Community service has always been an important part of my life. I grew up surrounded by friends and family who did everything that they could to help better their community. My mother and sister have always been on various committees and boards for organizations that affect our lives like the Arthritis Foundation and the American Cancer Society. Without volunteers the important work that these organizations do would be nearly impossible to complete. My family's history with community service has helped me become a well grounded and productive member of society, and I believe that everyone should be able to have the same experience that I did growing up. However, most high school students have difficulty finding ways that they can help their community, which is why I decided to simplify that process for them. By creating a database of community service opportunities, my peers will be able to have the same great experience that I did without the frustration and confusion.
I created this database for my Girl Scout Gold Award Project. I have spent many hours researching nonprofits in the Hillsborough County area, as well as meeting with advisers from different fields of community service. I hope that this database will inspire the students in my community to take an interest in helping others, not out of obligation but out of the desire to make a difference in their own community.
Elizabeth Corn
Proud Girl Scout member of Troop 300005